Plans and Pricing

You can voice up to 10 thousand characters per day for free or choose a paid rate. The cost of dubbing depends on the voice used and is on average 1 credit per 1000 characters (1 credit is equal ten US cents).


  • Advertisements — yes
  • Voicing up to 2000 characters per day
  • Maximum text size 1500 characters
Free Sing Up


  • You need to register on the website
  • Advertisements — no
  • Voicing up to 5000 characters per day
  • Maximum text size 5000 characters
Free Sing Up


  • You need to register on the website
  • Advertisements — no
  • Voicing up unlimited characters per day
  • Maximum text size 10000 characters
  • 1* credit per 1,000 characters voiced
from 5 US dollars** Buy

* 1 credit is equal to ten US cents.
** The minimum cost of recharge is 5 US dollars rubles. The cost of text to speech depends on the voice used.

The cost of text to speech by each voice (per 1000 characters)

Language Voice Credits
Русский Ирина (женский голос) 1
Русский Ольга (женский голос) 1
Русский Валерий (мужской голос) 1
Русский Петр (мужской голос) 1
Русский Оксана (женский голос) 1
Українська Олена (жіночий голос) 0.2
Українська Володимир (чоловічий голос) 0.2
English Nick (male) 1
English John (male) 0.2
English Kelly (female) 0.2
English Alyss (female) 1